Conventional air filters used in HVAC systems need to be replaced regularly, some as often as every month. Every time you change your air filter, the dirty filter ends up as waste in a landfill.
Common dry filter cartridges are manufactured using cellulose, polyester blends, flame retardant cellulose, or other fibre fabrics. They can capture larger particles as air passes through the filter, but are not very effective in capturing the smaller, more hazardous particles, such as viruses, pollen, and bacteria. For dry filters to capture nanoparticles they would have to be denser, which correlates to restrict the airflow and increases the energy input needed to transport air through the denser filters.
There is a better solution. Dexwet Filters has developed the technology to provide long-term air filtration that is also a sustainable product.
Dexwet has patented technology used in their innovative wet Pure Air Filters. Our filters allow the highest air flow stream to pass through their staggered filter rods. The rods are coated in a non-toxic oil solution to permanently capture airborne particles of all sizes while allowing pure, clean air to flow through.